Dec. 20, 2010
FROM: David Dobosi:
Father Pucci
Was a Priest and a man that all men should aspire to,he was steadfast in his devotion to his faith and commitment to the Church.
Was a Priest and a man that all men should aspire to,he was steadfast in his devotion to his faith and commitment to the Church.
A role model and example to us all in an age of tremendous sin and vice,that we must pray and seek the Lord and his invitation to all of us to be holy and like father Pucci courageous and never give up along the pathway to heaven.
Thank you so very much Father Pucci for all your hard work and love you gave to us you will never be forgotten!
David Dobosi.
Dec. 15, 2010
FROM: Father Roger William Formosi:
Father Pucci was a blessing from the Lord to his Church. He was a model Christian and priest. He was profoundly loving and deeply loved. His faith was transparent; his hope was an encouragement; his love was an inspiration. As a priest of the Diocese of Hamilton I am blessed to have known him for many years and have great affection, respect and admiration for him. Especially during these years since I have been in Oakville and in neighboring parishes, I have had closer contact and, together with Father Frank Ruzza and Father Louis Lenssen, has often had Father Pucci a dinner guests and brothers at our Saint Dominic Rectory. I am convinced that he now shares the life of heaven after such a beautiful life on earth. I pray that the example of his priestly life will inspire others whom the good Lord may be calling to respond positively to the precious vocation of ordained priesthood.
Father Roger William Formosi
"Beloved, since God loved us so much
we also ought to love one another."
(1 John 4.11)
FROM: An Angelic Sister:
I express my sincere sympathy to all Barnabite Fathers with the death of Fr. Pucci.
I especially remember Fr. Pucci to be a spiritual man and a loving father. He is especially caring to the Filipino Angelics. He would always remember us especially at Christmas time when he would send us a card with some dollars for ice cream. Yes, he's fond of the Angelics.
We will miss Fr. Pucci, and he will remain in our hearts.
We pray for his eternal repose with God in heaven.
An Angelic Sister
Dec. 13, 2010
FROM: Stella:
I belong to St. Michael but love coming to St. James. I did not know Fr. Pucci very well. I made his acquaintance only in the last 3 to 4 years. He amazed me when he celebrated mass. Despite all the challenges he faced, he celebrated with such enthusiam and love for Jesus, and gave his homily with such profound faith and understanding of what is expected of us Christians/Catholics. His memory of all the prayers and rites at Mass never failed him. He was God's chosen until the very end. May his soul rest in peace and our prayers are with him.
Dec. 12, 2010
FROM: Rino and Jane:
for almost fifty years you were our spiritual father but to many of us you were also our dear friend.A friend we will always remember and cherish for the rest of our lives.We will look look up to you from your new home to receive your blessings. Arriverderci Padre Pucci !!!!
FROM: Sr. Rorivic, ASP
Dear Fr. Pucci, thank you for all that you are to us. You have given us an example that we can be faithful to our Lord even until death. We will miss you. Pray for us in heaven.
Sr. Rorivic - Angelic Sister
FROM: Bianca Tino
A fond parishioner, who lives almost 5000 km away remembers you with love and affection. Arrivederci Padre Pucci. Because it is never good-bye when we leave this life, although it saddens us to part temporarily.
Bianca Tino
FROM: Victor Santangelo Jr.
As a very young child,attending St. James school,having mass in the auditorium, while our church was being built,as an altar boy,and mass was Latin,Father Pucci always brought a warm presence to our catechism lessons,and taught in way that we could understand as children.
Father Pucci attributes were many,but his humour was what I remembered and enjoyed most.If you didn't get it,well,he gave back his warm smile which in turn he was saying,just think about it, you will understand.
Rest with Love father, and rightfully take your place that our Lord Jesus has prepared for you.
Victor Santangelo Jr.
FROM: Fr. Gabe
Dear Fr. Robert,
I heard from Fr. General that our patriarch, Fr. Pucci, has transited from this life into eternal life. May he receive the blessed rest promised to the righteous and enjoy table fellowship with the Lord, our Lady, and all the Saints at the heavenly banquet as much as, and even more than, he enjoyed table fellowship with his confreres and friends here on earth.
I join in spirit the North American Province in praising God for Fr. Pucci's long and fruitful life and for all that he has been for, and he has given to the Church, our Barnabite Congregation, the North American Province, St. James Parish and numberless families and individuals. With all of you I thank our Lord for Fr. Pucci's
As we celebrate his birth into a new and better life may his example be a source of comfort to us and incentive to carry on his legacy.
Fr. Gabe
FROM: Sr. Guada Distura-Diva ASP
May the soul of Fr. Pucci rest in peace.
Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home' Guest Book
">Fr Pucci - Patriarch